27 Februari 2021 20:19
Well, so far so good. No sink in room and toilet is a bit wild, but both are workaroundable. No hot water for shower! Location is in the middle of town They sell a number of amenities at fair prices. They also offer other services such as motor bike rental which is at a great rate/day imo, but the car & driver service offered is over priced. TV is fine, as is AC. Bed is good. Small mirror and bed table. Plenty of places to hang stuff. There apparently was a thief in the area that the hotel was aware of and a patron had their bag lifted right outside of the front door.
01 Februari 2021 9:50
Enak kamarnya nyaman, sejuk, dan bersih banget hotelnya. Walaupun agak sempit tapi cocok lah dengan harganya. Sip lah.
09 Maret 2020 11:51
Part of RedDoorz, near with Medan Fair/Careful, Lapangan benteng, lapangan merdeka, and Deli Park.
13 Januari 2020 22:18
Harganya cukup murah, walaupun kamarnya bisa dibilang kecil dibandingkan penginapan dengan harga yang sama.
Kamar mandinya cukup bersih, ada wastafel juga tiap kamar, dan tiap pagi dapet teh/kopi di pantry
27 Oktober 2019 7:40
Kalo pesan On line sangat2 ribet cek in nya.tidak ramah.jam cek in molor gx jelas.sangat tidak direkomedasikan.untuk mencari kenyamanan.makan hati lah
06 Oktober 2019 13:03
Bersih.nyaman.tenang.mungkin kalo ditambah free breakfast (roti) akan lebih oke lagi, sekarang ini masih baru free coffe/tea aja
28 September 2019 0:52
Tempatnya bagus, murah dan nyaman, cocok untuk backpacker, cuma kalo mesen lewat online agak ribet dgn resepsionisnya yg kurang ramah
19 Juli 2019 16:24
Despite the kindness of the host, this stay is noisy because of the street outside. And the restroom is just one of the worst I’ve ever seen
16 Juli 2019 2:13
Bersih.rapi.dan murah.tapi kepada para perokok siap2 kena denda lo merokok di kamar.tapi ttp nyaman.
07 Juni 2019 22:41
What a great guest house, iarrived late at night and reception is open all night by friendly and attentive staff.
I booked a single room with fan and when I got in there it was very comfortable.
I booked for one recommend this place while you stay in Medan.
17 Maret 2019 12:58
Pertama kali ke medan dan nginap dihotel ini, harga bersahabat, nyaman, bersih, sukak lah. Tempat terjangkau, strategis, ada banyak ojol, dan angkot lewat sini, jadi bisa gampang kalau mau kemana saja. Trip medan sangat mengesankan apalagi hotel menyediakn rental motor juga, harga terjangkau.
15 Maret 2019 10:59
Positive: Clean room and nightly check-in available.
Negative: Staff is not customer friendly at all. They don't communicate internally.

Laundry is available per kilo, except underwear they have to count dirty underwear in front of you otherwise you might cheat about the amount.
Regular laundry takes 2 days and express only one (but more expensive)

Motorbike rental: 100k and you pay for your own fuel. They will do check before and afterwards and make you fill in paper after paper.

Deposit: when we arrived we received two new towels and there was still an old one hanging in the shower.
When we wanted to checkout they did check of the room and found the old towel with a small hole. Receptionist wants to keep our deposit because of the old towel.

This hotel has a good location and price but no friendliness at all. Also no breakfast?
10 Maret 2019 4:36
Low budget hotel in medan city. The location is at guru patimpus street. Near at Plaza Medan Fair.
14 September 2018 3:29
Sebenarnya sy tdk berniat utk mereview tp krn pelayanannya sgt sgt mengecewakan
Sy tiba d hotel 00.30 dan tujuannyak medan utk ujian. Kamar ini sy pesan krn reviewny bagus, dan dekat dgn tmpt ujian.
Saat sy tiba, sy upgrade kamar + bayar deposit saat datang dan sudah dbayar cash (sisanya sdh lunas saat pesan online).
Lalu kami diantar k lt 3 (g ada lift) dan kamarny salah, kami otomatis komplain. Lalu BELLBOYnya malah MARAH k kita. Lalu sy k resepsionis dan komplain, dia blg salah sistem dan bahkan dia tanya hampir 4x soal durasi stay sy. Sy dapat kamar tidak mirip dgn foto dan kmr sy sptinya plg sempit utk harga sy.bahkan utk shalat aja tdk cukup.

Lalu hari terakhir sy digedor pagi" dibilang uang sy krg. Saat sy datangi, dia bahkan tdk bs menunjukkan kekurangan uang sy dan sbtlnya malah uang sy yg lebih. Berkali" dia blg SALAH SISTEM. Harusnya kalo sistem salah, resepsionis bs profesional dan hitung manual sj. Bahkan sy disuruh lgsg check out. Sy mau dihubungkan managernya, alasannya tdk bs ditelfon. Sangat tidak profesional.

Bukan masalah uang cuma brp, tp masalah SERVICE.
Berkali kali booking online br kali ini sy ketemu staff" spt ini

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