20 September 2023 1:12
Salah satu sekolah jalur macet.
Orangtua yg mengantar pakai mobil pun juga main sorong aja dan nga ada sopan santun.
Sebagai lembaga pendidikan seharusnya mampu tampil sebagai contoh.
05 September 2023 7:13
Saya alumni di sini.saya rasa satpamnya terlalu sombong dan angkuh terhadap golongan non-siswa seperti rekan2 ojol.memang SOPnya begitu kah? Seingat saya saat masih siswa di sini, tender securitynya WIRA group. Pesan saya jgn terlalu berlebihan, perlakukan semua orang dengan baik tidak memandang golongan. Sudah sehebat apa emang kamu?
13 Agustus 2023 13:23
My brother can't speak english and he's become introvert because the environment especially from the teacher is really bad!
09 Juli 2023 19:08
Kren sekolah di sini untuk masa depan dan banyak orang luar negara dan mendapat kn teman luar negara salut is the best prime scool
27 Mei 2023 17:38
Fasilitas lengkap, kurleb sama dgn Binus school.tp pusatnya di Medan, cabangnya ada kalo gslh di tj morawa, lubuk pakam, ama pekanbaru.universitas jg ada tp sayang jurusannya msh dikit, jurusan bisnis ama IT kok gslh.jenjang sekolah dari playgrup TK smpe SMA.
30 April 2023 0:17
Overall i would NOT recommend this school because the school charges you so much unnecessary charges and you have to pay them for exams and for graduation you need to pay for the graduation party and field trip even tho each student pays Rp3,000,000 per month. So for parents i don’t recommend this school there are better alternatives with better price and this is from a pos alumni.
06 Mei 2022 9:18
Gurunya dievaluasi tolong sebelum diterima kerja, guru mandarin di tingkat SMA1 ada yang buka les sendiri jadi saat ngajar murid sekolah tidak serius dia. Dan juga masa guru mandarin yang ngajar di POS inggrisnya jelek sekali
07 Januari 2022 16:38
School has good facility but bad learning method. The teachers get low pay but yet the students pay SOOO MUCH per month, sometimes I feel bad for the teachers, I feel like they're making themselves happy in this school by teaching the students, also some of the principals give too much punishment, this is my honest review about the school and yes I study here.
24 Desember 2021 14:10
Honestly speaking, this school is probably the most over-proud school ever. You can always find their vice principal bragging about how they're an english speaking school, how great the school's facility is, and many more! But trust me, most of their students spoke a very lousy English, and mixing many languages such as Bahasa Indonesia, and Hokkien (a chinese dialect) at once. And yes, they do have a great facility. But still, what's the point of having a good facility but not a good curriculum? Oh god, have I also mentioned how high does the school fee cost in this school? It's too high that it's not even worth it anymore. Moreover, they also kept on increasing the price every year! If you'd like to be successful, I advice you to choose other schools. Ooh, also, don't be fooled by the nice reviews and ratings, they're all posted by teachers and principals teaching there ;)

And oh, how do I know this? I'm an alumni.
10 Oktober 2021 23:04
The best school in Medan. The school is using Cambridge Curriculum and active learning method for the students. It has complete facilities for the students which includes sports facilities (basketball, futsal, swimming), laboratories (Science, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology), arts, and computer.

The school provides holistic education for your child and really helpful to provide your students to fulfill their educational needs.
30 September 2021 17:55
Benar benar harus mikir dulu utk sekolahkan anak anda disini. "Everything is money"
Not Recomended
09 September 2021 11:46
Sekolah yang paling bagus di Medan. Sekolah ini tidak hanya mengajarkan akademik kepada anak-anak. Tetapi KARAKTER. Meskipun belajar online, anak saya tetap dibimbing oleh guru.
27 Agustus 2021 13:13
If your are looking for a school with the greatest education and facilities. Then PrimeOne School is the best choice for your children
20 Juli 2019 8:51
This is a school where they value creativity, cooperation and leadership. All these skills are important in the real world. The facilities provided are more than sufficient. The school believes in getting out there and move and not make the students to just shelter in a class room. Active + creativity creates a healthy mind and body.
27 Juni 2019 12:53
School values creativity and experience. Has a good alumni network. Very good facilities and great dedication to the students.
02 Juni 2019 2:07
This is a school where every students will surely be promoted to the next level.even though they fail their exams, their assessment report will always pass. Bravo!
18 September 2018 13:04
Malam ini saya KECEWA BESAR kepada ke 2 security yang menjaga sekolah Prime One School.
Kejadian 30 menit yang lalu dari saya posting ini.
Bermula saya hendak mengambil uang tunai dari OCBC ATM yang tersedia dan memang BUKA di sekolah Prime One School, namun ketika saya hendak masuk untuk mengambil uang tunai di OCBC ATM tersebut, ke 2 security yang dinas malam ini melarang saya untuk mengambil uang tunai pada OCBC ATM, dengan beralasan bahwa OCBC ATM disekolah ini hanya diperuntukkan bagi karyawan/ bagi pihak sekolah Prime One School saja, tidak di peruntukkan kepada masyarakat umum/ pihak luar.
Mohon pihak sekolah Prime One School dan OCBC bank untuk menindak/ memberi sangsi kepada ke 2 security yang dinas pada malam ini.
Bintang 1 sebagai luapan kekecewaan saya terhadap pelayanan security Prime One School.

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