31 Juli 2021 7:10
Banyak menu yang disediakan dari nasi sayur, nasi tim, nasi lemak, nasi ayam, nasi goreng, lontong, mie rebus, dan aneka kue2 kering dan basah serta ada snack juga
19 April 2020 3:03
Yang gak sempat sarapan.datang aj kesini.tapi yang punya orang china.dan kalo gak salah ada makanan dari babi juga
27 Juli 2019 12:16
Di tempat ini tersedia berbagai macam masakan Chinese food. Masakannya menurut saya lumayan enak ya & juga terdapat berbagai macam cemilan ya. Seperti kerupuk & kue kue yg disusun rapi di meja untuk di pilih
28 Juni 2019 17:30
Harganya lumayan mahal, utk sebungkus nasi lemak pake telor sehrga 22rb. Rasanya kyk nasi lemak yg lain jg kok
17 Juni 2019 12:25
Nasi lemak, enak dan banya pilihan lainnya. Ada jual kue2 dan snack juga.
Harga cukup terjangkau
22 Januari 2018 17:50
Good morning, Tummers.
Today I wake up early so I head to the wet market at Jl. Beruang to have my #breakfast.
A lot of food to choose from.
After wandering around, I make up my mind to have #LontongSayur from @rm_ahiang.

Look at this gorgeous!
The #lontong comes with a lot of condiments like #sayurlodeh, #tauco, #sambal #teri #kacang, stir fried #bihun and potato crackers that has been coated in sweet and spicy sauce.
I also have the additional #satay on side.

The #ricecake is soft.
The satay is spot-on.
It's smokey, slightly salty and sweet.
The broth is rich and savory.
Overall the dish is too sweet for my likings.
But try them out guys.
They also sell a lot of other things like #nasilemak, #nasisayur traditional cakes, snacks, etc.

Good morning, Tummers.
Have you taken your breakfast? Today I'm having #NasiGoreng from @rm_ahiang.

Each restaurant has their special fried rice.
Unlike the others, this one also has their own characteristic.
The #friedrice also comes with a lot of condiments like #sambal #teri #kacang, #scrambledeggs, pickled cucumbers and potato crackers that has been coated in sweet and spicy sauce.

The fried rice is delicious.
It's slightly salty and sweet.
The crackers are crunchy and sweet.
The pickled cucumber makes the whole dish lighter and brighter.
Try them out guys.
They also sell a lot of other things like #nasilemak, #nasisayur traditional cakes, snacks, etc.

#fattummyid #fattummylocal

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