18 Oktober 2020 3:09
This school builds my personality in everything from small things. All teachers at this school always set a good example for students at this school. This school is also very disciplined about anything.
23 November 2019 0:04
A Christian school where you always pray before the activity started, the school have their vision and mission which is good and focus on build character
13 November 2019 9:30
Saya tidak bersekolah disini jadi tidak tau bagaimana didalamnya.tapi dari luar, sekolah kelihatan bagus.tetapi jalan didepannya sangat rusak apalagi jika hujan maka akan tergenang air.tetapi jalannya sekarang sudah sedang diperbaiki
12 April 2019 6:59
Siswanya pintar2.
. Chadzoel Devin M Nainggolan. / juara olimpiade sains kec mdn tembung.
Selamat ya.

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