21 Oktober 2023 3:30
Suasana street food nya OK, banyak pilihan. Klo soal makanan tergantung selera. Banyak pilihan dan boleh pesan dari rumah makan lain.
05 April 2023 7:40
Destinasi kuliner chinese food yang wajib di datangi kalau di Medan. Dari jajan kue kue, mi, nasi campur, sampai bubur. Tentu destinasi non halal ya.
09 November 2022 18:26
Lots off tenant and choices. I can say selection are Chinese foods mostly (chicken rice, fried kwetiau, wanton mee and so on). Aside from that, there are snacks stalls in between, here and there. One of the most famous one is martabak piring.

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