11 Desember 2023 4:06
We tried to reserve a room via WhatsApp 2 weeks in advance, explaining the times we wanted to arrive.
The hotel apparently never understood our request despite the numerous messages exchanged.
Finally we found ourselves on the street a few hours before arriving because the hotel was “full” even though we thought we had booked for 2 weeks and we sent back a lot of messages to get answers about our opening hours.arrive the same day.
02 November 2023 13:19
This was our second visit to Thong's Inn, having stayed here last year due to its proximity to Kualanamu International Airport. Not much has changed over the course of this year. Rooms are a good size. The Wi-Fi remains unstable, and depends on your location, whether you are in your room, by the pool, or at the restaurant.

The reception ladies are the highlight with their warm welcome and pleasant smiles. Unfortunately, the rest of the staff struggles with English, making communication a bit challenging.

Downside of having dinner at the restaurant around the pool was the constant presence of cats and black bugs that needed to be shooed away. While mosquitoes are a common occurrence, we were prepared for that. The real issue was the slow food service, both at the pool and in the breakfast area. We had to check and ask about the status of our orders every time.

There was a written warning in the room regarding pest control, which was a bit concerning. On a positive note, the pool water was nice and clean.

In summary, Thong's Inn is a decent choice for its proximity to the airport and the welcoming reception staff. However, improvements are needed in terms of Wi-Fi stability, communication, and food service efficiency.
06 Desember 2022 20:27
Pernah nginap disini, pesan kamar family room untuk 3 tempat tidur, dikasihnya deluxe B+ditambah extra bed itupun bednya belum terpasang pas masuk kamar, extrabed baru dipasang pas kita sudah ada dikamar, ada gelas kotor+piring kotor dan sisa makanan tamu sblmnya depan kamar sy ga diangkat2 mulai dr chekin sampe esok nya check out, padahal udh melapor 5x supaya piring diangkat krn bau dan merusak pemandangan, cukup sekali aj kehotel ini.no recomended
13 September 2022 22:37
Kamarnya bersih, pelayanan ok, cocok untuk liburan bersama keluarga. Diluar ruangan banyak nyamuk, tp dikamar gak ada nyamuk.
16 Agustus 2022 18:47
Ada acara disini kemarin tapi panas banget didalam nya. Ac nya ga hidup.
Staffnya gak ramah.
06 Agustus 2022 4:16
Tempatnya luas dan banyak lampu-lampu.
Apalagi lampu yang berada di depan hotel.
Menariknya kolam renang ada patung singa seperti patung singa di singapore
26 Juli 2022 14:43
Tempat yang nyaman untuk berlibur bersama keluarga, baik kamar, layanan dan lokasi dan tidak jauh dari kota Medan.
08 April 2022 16:34
Tempatnya bersih, adem
Recommended bagi kalian yg mau nginap
Tempatnya dekat dgn Bandar Kualanamu
Makannya lumayan.
17 Januari 2022 0:15
Pelayanan yang sangat baik, ramah, dan sempurna.
Dan tempat yang sangat bagus,
Sangat sempurna.
15 Desember 2021 22:57
Terlalu banyak pegawe nya menaikan harga nya ga sesuai dgn pasilitas yg di pesan dan harga nya kecewa
15 Desember 2021 8:32
Tempat nyaman terutama buat keluarga dengan anak-anak
Kamar lumayan luas tetapi sayang banyak nyamuk
Kolam renang lumayan luas dan bersih
Sarapan kurang bervariasi tetapi sudah bisa lah
Karena menginap sepaket dengan lunch dan dinner, lunch dan dinnernya sangat minimalis nilai 5/10
Over all mantap lah
06 Desember 2021 20:52
Tempatnya unik dan asri.ada taman bonsai, ada kelinci, dan kolam renangnya bersih terawat.luas kamar cottage nya sprti fav*hotel tapi lbh vintage aja.sarapan tdk terlalu bervariasi tp gak masalah.
24 November 2021 19:37
Kita kasih angka 8 buat tmptnya.cuman pas nginep kolam renangnya aja yg kurang memuaskan karma airmya kotor
10 Agustus 2021 7:49
Banyak tempat spot foto yang bagus.
Hotel nya bagus, pelayanannya bagus, kamar nya oke, namun aga kotor dikit.
Suasana nya hening, menenangkan, dan aga mistis: D
14 Juli 2021 19:33
Kalo mo check in, langsung aja bayar di tempat, ga usah via travel. Lebih murah. Apalagi yg coorporate. Dpt diskon khusus. Coorporate nya apa saja? Chat aja.
28 Maret 2020 23:55
I feel like in a jungle, greeny, many plantation, mosquitoes and no hair dryer, its so hard for the girl and woman, and its too quite, i dont like the audio actually, its so old and annoying to heard.its better to use a new amplifier such as JBL or yamaha.and use the active speaker.just sugesting to get a new client, this local area is so huge about 50,000 meters. I like the food, the noodle, and the chilli, but expatriats and tourist doesnt like chilli.
11 Maret 2020 10:12
Good location near Kuala Namu airport if you are flying out or into there and don't wish to go to Medan.

Cabin I stayed in was comfortable and functional. Reasonably priced. With the exception of breakfast I did not think too much of the food.

Complimentary shuttle service to airport is a great feature.
26 Februari 2020 13:06
Suasananya asri banget, enak ada kolam berenang. Pelayanannya ramah, makanan di restoran rasa dan harga worth it lah. Cocok banget buat liburan keluarga karna banyak taman2 yang cantik dan anak2 suka disini. Kamar juga bersih. Fasilitas menurutku udh lengkap lah.
13 Februari 2020 22:01
Tempatnya potential utk jd tmpt wisata.hanya saja belum smua bangunan selesai, dan jalanan di komplek hotel ms blm selesai semua, jd masi terasa seperti setengah jadi.kalau utk kamar bersih dan rapi.kamar cottage nya kecil. Tp ada pilihan villa dll.ada kolam renang yg ckup luas.
05 Februari 2020 8:01
Tempatnya Bagus, tapi masih sepi,
Mungkin banyak yg belum tau,
Lumayan liburan ga perlu jauh2,
Tamannya luas & asri,
Kolamnya besar & bersih,
Puaslah liburan keluarga disini
26 Desember 2019 16:44
Kontak yg bisa di hub yg mana ya pak/bu? Soalnya kontak yg ada di sini sibuk terus kalau di telpon.
Mohon bantuannya
18 Desember 2019 7:13
Hotel ini letaknya dekat bingit ama bandara kualanamu medan, klo bwt transit aja disini pas agaknya karena lokasinya lmyn jauh ketempat wisata, paling dkt cma pantai cermin aja. Kebetulan di hotel ini sebulan saya disini, karena ada pendidikan dr kantor. Pelayanannya lumayan bagus, smw cepat tanggap.tp klo utk nginap karena mau liburan disini krng pas tempatnya.
AC g ada masalah, air panas jg 24 jam.mmmhhh.apa lg yaa. Oia sarapannya lumayan sih, cma selama disini saya g tllu suka mkn berat pagi2 jd cma roti aja.satu lg, klo ada buah nenasnya enak deh manis trus sama lidah g gatel.heee
Well selamat mencoba geisss
23 November 2019 20:30
A good hotel for transit near Kualanamu Medan airport. About 10 mins and free transfer to and fro to the airport.
20 November 2019 14:08
Wihhh.mantulll.mantep betulll.luasss bangettt. Taman bagus. Ada mainan utk anak2. Sy menginap di cottage. Kmr besar & bersih. Kmr mndi hotel bintang 5. Ada free teh & kopi di kmr. Free shuttle. Cm lokasi nya agak jauh dr sumber makanan. Haha
14 Oktober 2019 20:31
Hotel yang asri dengan tema Ground dan kebun serta bangunan penginapan yang classic menambah keindahan tempat ini.
16 Agustus 2019 5:31
Stayed here for a night, while waiting for a flight the next day. Can't fault anything. Great food at the restaurant.helpful staff
17 Juli 2019 21:09
Still under construction. This place has a potential to be a good tourism spot. Love the green park and the small bunny farm.
09 Juli 2019 19:04
For locations too far from the city
When at night the ways no street light and that's so scarry and accident prone
For the place so far good but some rooms when the rain leaks
Please fix it and wifi connection too
17 Mei 2019 16:28
Tempat nya sangat snagat bagus. Aman. Nyaman. Indah. Asri. Bersih. Cuman harga kamarnya agak tidak terjangkau untuk orang2 di sekitar hotel. Kalau bisa buatlah kamar hotel dengan harga yang bisa terjangkau. Misal. Harga 150 ribu atau 200 ribu. Kolam renang. Dan fasilitas lainnya
15 Mei 2018 16:14
Lokasi yang cukup tersembunyi membuat tempat ini menjadi lokasi yang cukup tenang untuk beristirahat.
Masih baru dan masih banyak lokasi yang sedang di bangun, tetapi tempat ini akan menawarkan pengalaman menginap yang tak terlupakan.

Foto saya ambil dari lantai 3 dari balkon hotel ketika hari pertama bulan purnama.
20 April 2018 13:32
If you’re flying into Medan late and need a place to stay that’s close to the airport, this is a good and affordable choice. It’s ten minutes away from the airport, offers a free airport shuttle both ways, and is a clean, modern, quiet, full featured hotel complex with large, good quality beds, western toilets, cold A/C and an on-site ATM that works with US ATM cards as well as a small general store with various travel things and insect repellent that you’re going to need if you’re headed into the jungle. You can also buy cold beer from the onsite restaurant, which is very convenient when it’s midnight and you just got in after a long day on the road or in the air.

One note: if you need to hire a car to go to Bukit Lawang to see the Orangutans, don’t hire the car through the front desk here. I didn’t know any better and I got ripped off to the tune of double the going rate (paid 900,000 rupiah, should have been 400,000 which is what I paid locally in BL for an identical return trip). I also wouldn’t bother with the included buffet breakfast, which was mediocre.

Otherwise, the place itself was very good.

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