04 Juli 2023 16:55
Kalau lewat / berkunjung ke kota Siantar jangan lupa makan di restoran ini ya. Ada begitu banyak pilihan menu vegetarian dan harganya murah banget! Rasanya enak, tempatnya bersih.
16 Juni 2023 8:36
Delicious Vegetarian foods with very affordable price. Great and friendly service, located in the heart of Siantar city.
11 Mei 2023 17:36
This is a famous vegetarian house in town, and will be very crowded for every special celebration in Chinese like che yit and cap go or another event.
13 Januari 2023 0:56
Bersih, Mantap, Lezat, Ekonomis!
Pelayanan ayii nya feels like home.
Pilihan menu buanyak could make you pusing. Garansi lezat dan tumis sayurannya segar!

Setiap masuk Siantar, selalu kangen kembali menikmati makanan disini.
22 November 2022 2:43
Pulut panggang dan ak bihun, ak bihun kuahnya sangat wangi dan enak, Ayi sangat ramah dan selalu memberikan lebih
17 Juli 2022 15:49
Wah.permata tersembunyi di kota siantar. Menu nya banyak, sayur nya enak enak. Harga kaki lima, rasa bintang lima. Sedaaaapppp,
07 Juni 2022 18:59
This place is always nice to eat vegetarian Chinese/Indonesian food.
90% of the time I'm happy with their food.
They also sell traditional snacks, and have a display refrigerator with cold drinks.
They have a giant vegetarian sate that I like. It's a bit pricey, but it's worth it.
You can also buy vegetarian meat to bring home and cook yourself.
They sell almonds and other vegetarian products too.
03 Juni 2022 6:06
The road are a bit small but the food is very good and not pricey plus the owner is very generous
10 Maret 2022 3:25
Tersedia berbagai jenis makanan minuman vegetarian disini. Rekomendasi untuk yang lagi diet makanan hewani. Cocok untuk yang sedang mengurangi makanan berlemak.
18 Februari 2022 4:28
Murah, enak, porsi banyak.
Penjual ramah.
Tempatnya bersih.
Tersedia menu yang beda beda setiap hari.
17 September 2021 13:58
The owners work this cafe and are very friendly. The food is traditional Indonesian style but fully vegan. A unique quality is the grandmother prepping fresh veggies on one of the serving tables. And a good price for the food.
19 Maret 2020 0:52
Bagi kalian yg vegen (Vegetarian) kalian cocok buat nyobain menu disini, terbilang sedikit mahal karna vegetarian ya jadi dimasak dengan bahan bahan yg khusus, rasa nya juga enak.

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